During your discussions with Galfrey, it’s possible to kill and revive her as an undead (Lich path) or recruit her (Angel path, successful romance, and with Irabeth alive).However, when you return, Galfrey will die (unless you chose the Aeon path). Areelu's Lab is located below Legacy of the Ancients on worldmap. Areelu's Lab Information This location is hidden until you finished the 4th mythic quests. It’s possible to use Dimension Door to grab the Key Crystal without triggering the encounter. Areelu's Lab is a Location in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.

Our civilized' self-righteous claims Of virtue belie our true aims: - Like the old Romans.

If you gave Queen Galfrey the Lexicon of Paradox in the Midnight Fane dungeon in Act 3, she’ll return it to you, but only if you follow one of the “good/neutral” Mythic Paths (i.e., Angel, Aeon, Azata, Legend, and Gold Dragon).Choosing this over the Sword of Valor will cause the deaths of some Crusader NPCs (i.e., Ciar).